You don’t have to do it alone
At Hinz Law, we believe that the best possible outcomes result from helping one another. That’s why our lawyers continuously collaborate to determine the best course of action for each client. That means no matter who you choose, you will be provided with the entire Firm’s knowledge and expertise.
Areas of Practice
The world of family law can be challenging and emotionally charged. This means that it is vital to have a legal team that not only understands the law, but also the intricacies of human relationships. Our experienced team will assist you in navigating both the legal and emotional aspects of your matter.
Whether you are preparing a will, personal directive, or a plan for the administration of your estate, our Firm will assist you and your loved ones to ensure that your intentions are followed through. That way, you can have peace of mind and focus on what is really matters.
A workplace injury can be a devastating event. During these times, it is important to know that you and your family will be taken care of. Our role is to assist you in ensuring that you are properly compensated by WCB, so you can rest assured that your needs are properly met.
Our extensive experience in real estate transactions will take out all of the guesswork, so you can have a full understanding of rights and obligations.